
发布日期: 2015-03-25

The Chinese Government introduced a massive rural education financing programme in China (REFR) in 2006, whereby central and provincial governments provided matching grants to county governments to boost their expenditure on compulsory education. Between 2006 and 2011, central and provincial governments mobilized 600 billion RMB, which was the single largest education transfer programme in China. Existing research shows that while the REFR reduces the rural-urban disparities slightly and increases on-budget per student spending on education moderately, it has not significantly narrowed the rural-urban gap and there is no discernable impact on the total per student expenditure.Using a provincial panel dataset between 2001 and 2010 constructed from National Statistical Yearbook and the Education Finance Statistical Yearbook in China and taking advantage of the differential matching rates in Western and Central Provinces, we employ the Comparative Interrupted Times Series technique to empirically examine the impact of intergovernmental grants on education expenditure. The findings suggest that REFR has increased both total and on-budget per student expenditure in middle schools in Western Provinces by 20% relative to the Central Provinces. For primary school, the evidence is somewhat mixed with no statistically significant advantage for Western Provinces for total per student expenditure although budgetary expenditures are also 20% higher. 
    哈巍,男,北京大学教育学院研究员。本科毕业于北京大学政治学与行政管理专业,硕士毕业于北京大学教育学院教育经济与管理专业,2007年获哈佛大学公共政策博士学位,随后进入世界银行、联合国等国际机构工作, 2009年获选加入联合国儿童基金会青年杰出人才计划。2013年被北京大学作为海外人才通过百人计划引进至北京大学教育学院。先后在国内外核心期刊发表近二十篇著作,内容涉及教育经济与发展、国际劳动力市场与人才流动、人类发展与社会保障和气候变化危机。


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